3 Common Reasons Your Child Wants to Quit

Has your child ever said that they want to quit playing their instrument? Here’s what might actually be going on underneath the surface.

1. Novelty is wearing off

When kids first get their shiny new instrument, everything is brand new and very exciting. But eventually, that initial “honeymoon period” ends and we have to rely on other ways to keep them engaged and inspired.

2. It’s becoming more challenging

It could be that your child is in the middle of acquiring a new skill and things are feeling really hard and frustrating at the moment.

It is 100% normal for kids to say that they want to quit when the going gets tough. Just remember that if you encourage them to stick with it, they build resilience and many other valuable life skills.

3. The are simply “stuck in a rut”

If you do the same thing for too long, you get bored! If your child says they want to quit after they have been playing for a while, they might just need to switch things up and get some fresh inspiration.

Try exploring a different genre of music or learning a new skill!

In conclusion

It is crucial for parents to look beneath the surface and understand the reason behind why their child wants to stop playing. This will guide you in how to best proceed.

It’s like the saying “Listen to what kids mean, not what they say.” Children do not always have the vocabulary or the life experiences to explain exactly what’s going on in their head. It is our job to translate these messages in order to best help them.