Benefits of Group Class

Of course the weekly private lesson with your teacher is crucial for developing technical skills and advancing on the instrument, but it is often in group class where the child really gets inspired, deepens their abilities, and truly gets to experience what music is all about. Here are five reasons to prioritize your attendance in group class!

Reinforce Technical Skills

Playing in an ensemble or attending a group music class provide students with the opportunity to practice and perfect the skills that they have learned in their lessons. Not only does group reinforce technical skills, but it also puts them to practical use and allows students to see the big picture!


Learn From Peers

Things tend to “click” in a new way for students when they hear their peers doing it. It is also very motivating and inspiring to watch others performing. When you see someone your own age, or close to your age, achieve something that you thought was too hard, it really makes you want to reach for the stars!


Enjoy Supplemental Curriculum

Let’s face it, there’s just not enough time to do everything in your private lesson! Group class is where your child gets a chance to explore other musical topics such as…

  • Music history

  • Music theory

  • Repertoire

  • Conducting

  • Ensemble skills

  • Compsoing

  • Ear training

  • and more!


Collaboration & Teamwork

Playing music together is one of the best ways for young people to develop collaboration skills! Whether you are playing in a small chamber group or a massive orchestra, each person and each part is important. Students develop personal responsibility and learn to take their contribution to the group seriously. Students who experience music in a group setting also learn to share the spotlight and support each other; somtimes being the soloist, and sometimes playing a harmonic role.


Build Community & Friendship


It is incredibly important for all of us, adults and children, to feel like we are a part of a community. And one of the best ways to feel that sense of belonging is to be with other people that share a common interest. Music brings us together, teaches us to listen, to share, and to work together in harmony.