Flute Playing Strengthens the Body — Tutti Flutes

Flute Playing Strengthens the Body

Many children are drawn to the beautiful sound of the flute! But did you know that playing the flute also brings incredible benefits to your child’s developing physical strength, balance, posture, dexterity, and lung capacity?


Upper Body strength

One might not immediately associate playing the flute with physical strength, but the act of holding up the instrument for an extended period of time really strengths muscles in the arms, shoulders, and back!

Core Stability and Abdominal Engagement

To produce clear and controlled notes, flute players need to use their abdominal muscles to control the airflow. This continual engagement of the core is necessary for strong high notes and producing vibrato.

Balance and Posture

Good posture and body alignment is crucial not only for good technique, but also for avoiding injury. Musicians learn how to properly stand and balance the instrument so no strain is put on the body.

Breath Control and Lung Capacity

Flute players learn to take deep, controlled breaths to sustain the air and produce long notes. This practice can expand lung capacity, which is beneficial for overall respiratory health. But that is not all! Having mindful control over the breath is also deeply beneficial for stress reduction and mental health. (Just ask any yoga teacher!)

Finger Dexterity

The intricate finger movements required for playing the flute help to strengthen the muscles in your hands. Not only does this lead to improved fine motor skills but also to greater dexterity and agility in your fingers!


Playing a musical instrument will obviously never replace the need for good healthy exercise! But, it is interesting to know how intensely various areas and systems of the body are physically strengthened when we play the flute! Music is not only great for the mind and the soul, but apparently the body too!
