Reception & Expression

Are you thinking…

“My child is not participating, I’m not sure they are getting it.”
”My child isn’t’ participating in class, but they do it as soon as we get home!”

Here’s the answer:
Cycle of Reception & Expression

Receiving Mode--------------------Expressing Mode

Input ----------------------------------Output



Taking in information-------------Trying it out


Children are constantly learning from everything around them. Whether we get to see them “doing it” or not depends on where they are in the cycle.

A child that participates in class is in output mode. Their needs for learning in that moment are experimenting and trying things out for themselves.

A child that doesn’t participate in class that day, is in input mode. They are busy collecting information. There is no need to interrupt their focus and force them to switch modes.

(*Remember being in input mode does not necessarily mean your child is sitting still watching your every move! They might be wiggling around the room, but still collecting valuable data.)

Both sides of the cycle are important and all of us experience both.

Many children use class time to observe and will stay in input mode, until they get home. Now, they are ready to try things out! Good time to bring out the flute!

Wherever your child is in the spiral today and everyday is great. We all learn in different ways at different times, but in the end, we all arrive.
