Benefits of Virtual Music Lessons

There is no doubt, the Covid-19 pandemic changed the world and highly impacted education. Many families now find virtual music lessons to be highly effective, convenient, and extremely time efficient. Plus, having access to highly trained teachers and a global Suzuki community, makes virtual music education more than desirable!

Convenient & Time Efficient

Particularly for busy parents, the idea of one less after-school activity to commute to is very intriguing!

Controlled enviornemnt

With music lessons at home, parents have control over the environment and have the ability to set up a space where the child can thrive!

Beter focus

Many parents actually report that their child has better focus during virtual lessons due to having one small area to center in on. Even if this is not the case for your child and they naturally have a harder time with virtual lessons, we have adapted many ways to engage students through hands-on activities and full body learning.

Access to quality teachers

With virtual lessons, you are no longer limited to whatever is available in your local area. Families now have the benefit of working with highly trained teachers regardless of where they live. We recommend finding a teacher that is not only an experienced musician, but someone that specializes in working with children and makes learning fun!


Online lessons offer such a unique opportunity for students and parents to connect with families from all over the country and even across the globe! It is very valuable for children to interact with a diverse community and form friendships with others that share the same interests.

Digital benefits

It is much easier to utilize technology with online lessons and students are reaping the benefits! With the screen share option on Zoom, students have access to shared music, digital books, recordings, videos, and more! Plus, teachers are able to highlight phrases, draw in notes, block out sections, and mark up the music without destroying the original copy. Many musicians even prefer to read music on the computer since you can zoom in and control the size & brightness, making it easier to see!

In today’s world, being proficient in technology is crucial. With online music lessons, children learn very useful computer skills that translate to all areas of modern life!

Ability to record lessons

Particularly when learning something new, it is very valuable to record the teacher explaining or showing the concept so that it can be rewatched and practiced at a later time.

Recorded & Live-Stream Recitals

The days of out-of-town family members missing recitals are over! With online performances, family & friends can log on from anywhere to watch! Virtual events are also very easy to record and replay. Plus, students that can’t make a performance can submit a pre-recorded video and still participate!

Less Missed lessons!

This is a very important side benefit of virtual education! Families now have the option of logging on and attending their lesson from anywhere! Student attendance has improved significantly considering it is now possible to take a lesson while traveling, on vacation, or even mildly ill or covid-positive.

Of course virtual education has draw backs as well. But we have found that for many families the benefits outweigh the imperfections. Have you tried online music lessons? Let us know about your experience in the comments below.