Practice Independently!

Are you wondering how to get your child to practice independently? Here are a few easy tips!


Get Organized

Make sure that everything your child needs is easily accessible and well organized. You won’t find them practicing a song if they can’t find the music! Create a binder, a box, a folder, or whatever you need so that your child can find their notes and find them fast!


Make a practice List

When you don’t know what to do, it’s hard to get started! Creating a detailed practice list with your teacher at the end of each lesson will make practice more efficient and effective! It’s important to remember that children don’t know how to practice unless we teach them! Writing out exactly how many times to play various songs and exercises will insure that the practice session is longer than a few minutes. And of course, make sure to put that list somewhere visible! (Ex: Hang it on the fridge, tape it on your music stand, etc.)


Leave the flute out

Sometimes the task of taking the flute out of the case and putting all the pieces together is just tedious enough that it discourages students from playing. We want to set them up for success and make it as easy as possible! You can purchase a flute stand on Amazon or simply leave the flute out on a shelf or table. (Keep it safe and accessible.)

Of course the flute still needs to be cleaned out several times per week. If you are having issues with tarnish build-up, it is best to keep the flute in the case, but you could take it out for them right before practice time.


Put Practice in your schedule

We know how busy you are! Kids participate in so many after-school activities these days that it’s likely your schedule is pretty maxed out. Try actually putting practice time into your weekly schedule just like you would for a lesson, an art class, or a soccer game. Maybe there’s not time for music practice every single day, but at least you will have a plan and a time for which days it will happen.

If you want your child to remember to practice by themselves, you could make sure they have access to a visual calendar in their room with scheduled activities. You could add it to a school planner or even set a daily alarm for practice.


Create a practice space

If you want your child to develop the independence to practice on their own, than they need a quiet space (away from you) to do so! You could create a corner in their bedroom where all the music and materials are kept. You could set them up at a desk or even outside on the porch. Just make sure that there are no siblings around or other distractions while your child is trying to concentrate!

Playing a musical instrument is a wonderful way for children to develop independence and responsibility! Even the youngest child is capable of doing so much on their own, as long as we set them up for success!

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