The Big Picture

As parents and teachers, it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day results that we see or don’t see from students. This is especially apparent when practicing is not going well or when a student is going through a plateau stage. During a time like this, it’s easy to consider quitting, However, it is completely normal for all students to have many ups and downs. The important thing is to look at the big picture and not give up!

Here is what actual progress look like for 95% of Suzuki students over 10 years:


Suzuki teachers are in it for the long haul!

When we accept new students, we commit to our relationship with you all the way through high school! This includes being your partner in navigating through all the ups and downs throughout your musical journey.


Ways to look at the big picture

  • Observe advanced students in recitals. Most of them have been playing since they were 3-5 years old.

  • Visit a group class with older students to see where you’re headed (or a younger group class to see where you’ve been!)

  • Talk to other parents

  • Reflect on how much your child has learned since they started lessons.

  • Think about the life lesson we would be teaching if we allowed students to quit just because something was challenging.

and Remember…

“It’s never easy, just sometimes easier!”
- David Gerry, Suzuki Flute Teacher